Thursday, September 17, 2009

To make a long story short

Chasing After Charlie is a month old. Charlie and I thank you for hanging around. Thanks for your comments too. From them, I have learned a few things about blogging.

Here is some of the more constructive feedback.

Earl from Texarkana, TX said, "I like yer pictures. I'd read more if you wrote less."

"Your polls look like adverts. Are you selling my data?" – Edward, Liverpool

Dawn C. wrote, "More about Charlie, less about you."

"I don't have time to read a dang book every day. That last post was so long I couldn't make it through Golden Girls." - Joe D. from Pensacola

My own mom wrote, "Don't need your whole day. Just the high points PLEASE."

Your comments were brief and I will be too. From now on, my pledge to you is to keep posts around 400 words. After working on a book for a year and writing at least 1,000 words a day, it's been hard to change gears. But it's a relief. Charlie agrees. I'll have more time to chase after Charlie, and Joe, you'll be able to get through Golden Girls (I love Bea Arthur) without falling asleep. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid mistakes like forgetting to give Charlie's preschool staff a spare diaper for Charlie. When I changed him before his nap I found that his diaper was a size too small and it had "Anna" written on it.

Ed, my polls are not advertisements. I do not and will not advertise on my blog. I do not make any money from my blog. However, if you'd like to contribute to Charlie's college fund, I can send you the address.

Here's to another month of Chasing After Charlie.


Mark and Charlie


Army Mom said...

Your mother DID NOT say what you quoted her as saying. She told me so.
Love, Your favorite MOM

Anonymous said...

I love this blog, and I can't wait to read your next post and vote in your next poll.
-Irma in Idaho