Saturday, September 19, 2009

To air is to be two

Despite Charlie's precociousness, he is still prone to err. His most obvious blunders are language related, but the mistakes are subtle. Here is an example. Read closely.

For dinner we bow our heads and pay for the food.

We pray for the groceries at King Soopers.


"You" is the only personal pronoun you use. As in, "carry you, help you, and hold you."

Charlie is still smelling words and spelling flowers.

Charlie believes two men live in our house. Daddy and "Maaaarrrrrkkkk!"

But Charlie is completely normal. I remember singing John Lennon's, "Skippy's a Champ."

1 comment:

Jan Parrish said...

LOL. So cute.You will miss this when he just calls you Dad and asks for the keys to the truck.

Kamy can't say Gramma so she just say's mamamamama. It's really cute. Love this stage.