Wednesday, August 26, 2009


For this blog post I want to say thank you to my faithful readers. Both of you have given the past few weeks of my life purpose.

Charlie says "Welcome!" because he gets "thanks" and "you're welcome" mixed up some times. He also says "puc" and "pich" for "cup" and "chip", respectively. Jill asked me over dinner if I thought our son could be dyslexic.

I replied "On!"

Jill also asked me to shorten my blog posts to make them easier to read. So I am going to keep this entry tight so as not to offend half my readership.

I am calling this blog Oprah in hopes of getting some random people to accidentally hit my blog. Oprah, if you didn't know, is very popular. If it works, I will title my next blog Tony Danza.

1 comment:

Army Mom said...

Well, that WAS quite brief. I missed the "meat" of it. Do you ever get comments from your readers, 'cause have never seen any posted. Maybe people would log on if you titled a blog "Jeff Gordon".---What kind of job are you looking for?? ( the preposition dangles.) I hear there are plenty of jobs in Indiana!