Thursday, March 22, 2012

What did he say?

Charlie, Henry and Jill took a shower together earlier this week. Charlie said, “Mom, pretty soon we’ll know if Henry is a boy or a girl.”

Last night at supper, I asked Charlie if he’d like to pray for mom to do well on her test. He replied, “You can do it, Dad. You love her more than I do.”

I’d been working from Starbucks all afternoon today. When I got home, Charlie told me I smelled like poop. (Notice how I prefaced that by saying I had been at Starbucks all afternoon. I am mostly certain he meant to say I smelled like coffee.)

Charlie told me this evening that screaming at children is a good way to distract them. He added, “It’s also a good way to make them cry and go inside.”

Charlie, Henry and I shared a big white chicken bowl at Tokyo Joe’s for dinner. Now that he is four he will eat the “chestnut waters” and snap peas. He did not eat them when he was two. Henry ate strained peas, pears and lots of rice. Afterward, we strolled to King Soopers. Charlie has learned from Jill where the manager’s special section is located. Henry and I caught up to him there. He tried to get me to buy a discounted fire log.

Marshmallow Peeps were on sale, ten for a dollar. I started loading them in the stroller hold. Charlie interrupted me. “Wait a minute, Dad.” He said, “You’re kidding me. You’ve gotta slow down. Candy is not healthy.”

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