Thursday, March 15, 2012

I drank coffee. Charlie, root beer.

Spring reminds Charlie of baseball and the song "Take me out to the ball-game!" Spring is also reminiscent of hot dogs. Hot dogs are delicious. I love hot dogs.

Henry has a purple bruise in the middle of his forehead. Henry points in general directions and makes unintelligible sounds. I can discern Mama, Dada, ChaCha, blue, bye, hi, ball, up, banana, graham cracker, dry diaper, more, milk, and spoon. His fingers are normally glistening with saliva. Moving pictures of panda bears cause Henry to be excited. Henry can operate a digital scale. He is a solid 23.2 lbs. Henry is so sweet after he takes Advil. I rocked him in an almost dark room before laying him down. I read Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle and turned through a picture book of baby animals. Henry listened and watched.

Charlie overturned a wheelbarrow full of dirt onto the front porch. The tines of a rake he used to remove the dirt only created furrows. It did not care. We played memory on the front porch as the sun receded. We made the hinged lid of the white Royal Crest dairy box a game board and covered its entire surface with six rows of five cards. I drank coffee. Charlie, root beer. Charlie narrowly won; his eight matches to my seven.

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